Page 26 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 26

So Michael, how did it all start, how did Techno influence you into becoming a Sound Engineer / Producer?
I had no idea I was going to have a career in music as an engineer to be honest. I wanted to learn the skills to make my own electronic music that was my main reason for returning to college to study music. It was during the summer between 1st and 2nd year of college that I started doing recording sessions and got the bug for engineering.
You have worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry such as The Script, Morrissey, Ryan Tedder, Gavin Friday and the Swedish House Mafia, can you tell us a little about your experiences with these artist’s in the studio, and who you’d love to work with in the future?
I was very lucky to have spent four months with The Script on their latest record. I learnt so much from this session in all areas of music, writing, production, arrangement and just generally how things are done at that level. It really opened my eyes to the work ethic and persistence required to work on an album of that level. The lads were super sound as well which made it very easy and enjoyable.
I've done quite a lot of work with Gavin Friday. Really enjoy working with Gavin as I've done a wide range of stuff with him including his latest album (Produced by Dave Ball of Soft Cell) recording & mixing for a documentary (Blood Rising) which Gavin wrote the score
for and various other projects.
I was assistant engineer for the Morrissey session which was produced by Tony Visconti. It was a filmed session. Pretty intense but a great experience. I also assisted the Swedish House Mafia when they were mixing their hit song “Don’t You Worry Child” for two days. There's been heaps more of artists that I've worked with and some very interesting sessions....
With the huge choice of outboard kit you have access to in the studio, what would be your favourite piece of audio equipment and why? What’s on your wish list?
I suppose if I'd to pick one piece from the gear in Sun studios it would probably be the Chandler TG 1. Regardless of what I use it on it always sounds great. It can hug and softly smooth signals out, great on acoustics, bass and vocals etc... Then if you crank it, it becomes really exciting! Great on drum room mic's or as a parallel.
Too many things on the wish list but I'd love a 500 series “Retro – DoubleWide” compressor. Had a loan of one for a few weeks and it sounded great.
Analogue verses digital is a discussion that’s still in the mix today, what are your thoughts?
I'm very fortunate to use both. We have A “Neve Vr Legend” and A “SSL G series” and Protools with all the latest plug-ins. To be honest I do 90% of my mixing in the box and when I'm nearly done
Here at Zone we are dedicated to promoting the huge amount of amazingly talented Irish artists Engineers / Producers / Singers / Songwriters / Bands and DJ’s, with our next Irish spotlight instalment on Michael Heffernan, a Sound Engineer / Producer from Dublin, who has successfully been working in the Irish music industry for the last 5 years. Interestingly enough, Michael’s passion for music came as result of being exposed to electronic music, in particular, the raw underground pulsating sound of Techno, that drove his passion that eventually led him to put the time into learning the production skills needed to hone his craft in electronic music. Initially he had no intention of working in a studio, it just kind of grabbed him during the learning process and he got the bug. After starting as an studio assistant engineer, he ended up in the hot seat in Sun Studios in the Temple Lane Recording complex to record international superstars such as Morrissey, The Script, Gavin Friday (collaborates with David Ball of Soft Cell) The Swedish house Mafia, The Coronas, The Minutes, Republic of Loose, and Keywest, to name a few and this impressive list.
So using Michael as an example, even if you love your banging techno /electronic vibes and have an open mind towards a variety of music, this mind-set will benefit any style that you wish to create, and can be applied to what your currently working on, as Michael has done, with his new venture ‘Cut Once’. Michael commented that ‘’spending 7 days a week for 4 months locked into Sun studio’s with the Script, has greatly benefited and influenced my current sound and work ethic’’
So with that been said, we (Keith McGovern Zone magazines resident photographer) hopped into town coffee in hand, and headed into his studio lair in Temple Lane to find out what this grounded humble Dub had to say about himself.

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