Page 34 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 34

Hail to the Banana Kings, Olle Cornéer and Stefan Engblom. From the origins of Stockholm, Sweden they have declared reign over DADA Land. In DADA Land there are no rules just arrive beautiful and leave ugly. This a place to let loose and live free. Surrounded by tons and tons of bananas, you’re surrounded by high energy, positive vibes and a good time! I was able to gain a passport recently into the DADA Land compound in Downtown Miami at the Mana Wynwood during the Ultra Music Fest and Winter Music Conference. I was also fortunate to gain entrance to their banana supreme rule in my neck of the woods at Sutra Nightclub in Costa Mesa, California. I’m literally surrounded by bananas! The edible ones, plastic blow ups, props, pillows, champagne, and people dressed as bananas.
I must say, I’ve never realized the banatics out there. These are everyday people who become obsessed with banana, champagne and the pillow fight ordeal. They dress as bananas from head to toe. Banana flags, bikinis, blow up props, flags and real bananas. Real bananas everywhere like you’re in a banana patch. I can’t even fathom how many pounds of bananas are here! I’ve been to a DADA Life show in the past at the Avalon in LA and randomly found a banana in the corner of the bathroom stall. I kid you not! Also people literally go bananas too! It such an uplifting, feel good, crazy party atmosphere, people really go banana crazy! My friend Dark Intensity chimed in to say,” in Dada Life, you peel away your worries as you indulge in the sweetness of music and surrender to the potassium pounding bass. I’m an instant banatic”!
I asked a fan Diana a.k.a. Rage Banana what DADA Life means to her and she said, “I consider myself such a big Dada Life fan due to ragers they throw. It’s not like any other show I've been to, they include inflatable champagne bottles along with bananas being tossed into the crowd, pillow fights and even bringing fans dressed as bananas on stage for the ultimate champagne shower. They truly care for their fans, they have created Dada Land a place where all fans can come together as a big bananafamily. Ever since I first heard "cookies with a smile" back in 2010 I was instantly hooked with their unique sound. Dada Life will always have a special place in my heart they have brought me so much happiness and always seem to put a smile on my face.” Amongst all the bananas, champagne, pillows and the fans, I was able to catch up with DADA Life and sit down for an interview. As I sip on soda, I do partake in the banana fruit. Why not, when in DADA Land, do as the citizens do, go bananas!
Can you explain to me, what is Bananarchy? For instance what is DADA Land, The DADA Compound and DADA Nation?
Stefan: Basically we always wanted our own nation. Whenever we come to do shows or put on a big compound show we name that area DADA Land. It’s our rules. It’s a place where you just leave your brain at home and do whatever you want. Don’t think about tomorrow, just have fun.
(Ollie enters the room and sits). Stefan just explained to me the whole concept about Dada land. It’s quite fascinating. Speaking of which I was fascinated by a rumor I heard about you two. I heard you got arrested or something happened at the airport. Can you elaborate?
Ollie: We didn’t get arrested but we lost our passports.
How did you lose your passports?
Ollie: The Swedish authorities took them away from us. That’s when we were traveling to Miami 2 years ago.
I remember I was in Miami and you guys cancelled a bunch of your shows.
Stefan: On the 6th of March we had our first independence day in DADA Land when we declared DADA Land as a sovereign nation.
Ollie: We still don’t know till this day what exactly went wrong, but the Swedish authorities did not like that. So right when we were at the airport and ready to travel they took our passports away.
Stefan: Before that happened we sent out letters all over the world claiming DADA nation.
Is Stockholm strict as far as the government goes?
Ollie: It wasn’t so bad. After a few weeks later we got them back and it all sorted out.
For that spring break, what did you do instead of going to Miami?
Ollie: We were just hanging in Sweden that year.
Stefan: We really missed out. In Sweden it’s really dark because its winter. Miami each year is our sunlight. So we were really sad and cold.
Ollie: You show up at the airport and you think you’re going but we didn’t. We got our passports taken.
You guys got shut down.... Well I heard another rumor that I’ve been trying to figure out. Somebody hacked your computer and your soundcloud a few years ago. Is that true?
Stefan: Oh yeah, that one. It’s a story.
Ollie: Yes it’s a story that adds a new layer every time you hear it. You’re talking about the time when we lost our computer. It didn’t get hacked. It didn’t get stolen. We had it on the subway and we just forgot it and we thought someone took our track and made a version of it. But apparently they just used the same software as us. It’s been all played out for us. We don’t think about it anymore. We just forgot about it and moved on.

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