Page 35 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 35

" Both of us started out in dance music before we started Dada Life. We took our different specialties and mixed it into one product and that’s what became of DADA Life. So we are still dance music but we came from different backgrounds. "
So tell me, when did you guys meet and where did your musical inspiration came from in the beginning?
Ollie: Both of us started out in dance music before we started Dada Life. We took our different specialties and mixed it into one product and that’s what became of DADA Life. So we are still dance music but we came from different backgrounds.
So what were your musical influences growing up? Did you play any musical instruments or were you in band?
Stefan: For me it’s always been high energy music. Like punk or super hard like hardcore music. Anything that is high energy is the way to go for me. When we do tracks now, we try to capture a moment of let’s say like happiness or craziness. For example tonight, when you see someone’s face and you see just pure happiness and you see that and you take it in and you’re just like, wow! You take that moment and you go back to the studio and stretch it out and make a track.
So it’s like you play off of your fan’s reaction?
Stefan: Exactly it’s like us and them feeling off of each other.
I remember a few years back in LA at The Avalon nightclub there was your show we were trying to get to. What happened with that? Do you remember that?
Ollie: I really don’t know what happened exactly, even till today but I guess there was just too many people there.
Stefan: There were just too many people trying to get in so they shut it down. There were too many people inside and too many people outside. Then all the people on the
inside went outside and there was double the amount of people. Things got rowdy and they called in the swat team, the riot police, choppers and pretty much closed all of Hollywood.
That must have been a really surreal experience.
Stefan: Yes, that was pretty much was the best show we never did! But it was a good experience.
Ollie: It was actually fun to see everything compared to what it was.
You guys got to see the swat team, helicopters and things you see in the movies. How does Hollywood compare to Stockholm? Like for instance the crowds here in the US. How does it differ from the crowds in Stockholm?
Stefan: The Swedish crowd is learning or watching towards the craziness of the American EDM scene. In the beginning when we played in Stockholm it was really good and now they are starting to get really crazy like properly crazy.
Ollie: They are getting crazy.
How about new projects. Is there anything that you’re working on now?
Ollie: We are working a new single. We are trying it out. It’s done but we are playing it all the time to see if we have minor changes to do. Now I think we are more or less done with it.
So when you have new music, do you test it out on the crowd?
Stefan: We always test out new stuff.
Ollie: I’ve been thinking about this because people are always asking that
question and I think the honest answer is... We kind of test it out on ourselves first. It’s always us trying it and finding out in a club environment. We don’t care that much about the reaction its more about our reaction and how it feels to us.
Stefan: When you’re listening in the studio or at home it can go one way, but when you’re up there as a dj and you take in everything you’re listening to it in a totally different way. You feel it. It’s a different feeling. Its excitement.
Ollie: You can’t trust the reaction of the crowd because we don’t give people what they want. Because the best tracks are the ones they don’t get on the first try. It’s when they hear it the third time and then they love it.
Stefan: It’s like an acquired taste, haha Ollie: Yes an acquired taste.
Iin your music productions do you use any specific hardware or software?
Stefan: We use Ableton Live and we use Sausage Fattener.
Ollie: That’s our plug in we made.
I’ve heard of that one a lot. A lot of producers rant about it.
Stefan: We are actually working on a new plug in. It’s a little bit different than the Sausage Fattener but it’s really cool actually.
I can’t wait! I guess I have to end it here. Thank you so much it was very nice to meet you both. I really love your energy.
Stefan and Ollie: Thank you very much.
Words By Kaiulani Newhouse
Pics By Kaiulani Newhouse & Ryan Adams

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