Page 178 - EALC C306/505
P. 178
養 yăng (V) to nurture [8]
誠 chéng (SV) sincere, ethically genuine; (V) to make ethically genuine; (N)
sincerity, ethical authenticity; (Adv) sincerely, truly [9]
疑 yí (V) to doubt; to suspect [9]
察 chá (V) to investigate into; (SV) insightful [10]
嘗 cháng (Adv) once in the past [10]
綦 qí (Adj) multicolored (of woven fabric) [11]
歌 ge (V) to sing; (N) a song [12]
憂 you (N) cares, worries; (V) to be anxious over, to worry [12]
署 shù (V) to write one’s name [12]
稱 cheng (V) to call, refer to, praise [12]
實 shí (V) to fill, to be full; (Adv) truly, in fact; (SV) real, full [12]
奪 dúo (V) to grab, to wrest, to seize [12]
漸 jìan (Adv) gradually [13]
滴 di (V) to drip; (N) a drop [13]
夢 mèng (N) a dream; (V) to dream [13]
醅 pei (N) unstrained wine [13]
舞 wǔ (V) to dance; (N) a dance [13]
盤 pán (N) a dish or tray [13]
輕 qing (Adj/SV) light in weight; (V) to treat lightly [14]