Page 102 - Judgment Enforcement Course 1
P. 102

Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course

                    “preferential transfer” they mean that one creditor got the money instead of the others who
                    are also owed money. THIS IS CALLED THE 90 DAY RULE.

                      More about that in the “Handling Hiccups and Complications” section in Part 11,
                    including “What to do if the JD files bankruptcy.” You’re in for an education.

                    Q.  You say that in the Acknowledgment of Assignment that you should put
                    the name of the judgment debtor and creditor exactly as it is on the
                    judgment.  But if it’s wrong on the judgment, isn’t this a good place to
                    correct it?

                    A.   This is not the place to correct any errors in the name of the creditor (plaintiff) or

                    debtor (defendant). For now, the names must be exactly the same.  For example, if Jimmy
                    Ames’ name is misspelled Jimmi Aims, then you should do the Assignment the exact
                    same way. Then, after you take assignment you can provide a declaration to the court that
                    Jimmi Aims is “also known as” (AKA) Jimmy Ames. In California, it’s called an Affidavit
                    of Identity. Simple and sweet. And there’s a sample Affidavit of Identity on the Forum,

                                                        *   *   *


                                                          STEP 5

                                  OTHER WAYS TO GET EVEN MORE ASSIGNMENTS

                       I’m going to explain ways you can get lots of business. I request that you not share
                    these with people outside our Course and Forum. There’s not much good competition out
                    there as it is, and we don’t want to create any. Some people have been in the business for
                    decades and still don’t know about these methods. I ask you to please keep these to

                    yourself and among the business people you work directly with.

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