Page 113 - Judgment Enforcement Course 1
P. 113
Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
company may think the pipes breaking is due to the owner’s negligence, and he won’t
Tell him what you do and ask if he needs help. Be sure to check on the % the attorney
is getting too. I’ve had attorney come way down on their % if they don’t have to do
Note: anything, and still get paid.
there are
more The possible avenues of enforcement I see at this point are:
cases on ✓ put a lien on the apartment property
the Forum ✓ have a bank search done and do a bank garnishment on the company
that are
actual ✓ get an assignment order, where I intercept money from renters at the apartment,
cases that are coming to the debtor company
looked at ✓ Maybe force a sale of the apartment property. Yes, it’s been done.
for each ______
I would probably take any one of these judgments, or at least to look further at them by
contacting the creditor and asking some good questions.
Meanwhile, through your research, you’ve turned up 20 other judgments and you’re
investigating them for the usual suspects: bankruptcy after the cause of action, drugs, jail, a
bunch of judgments already against the person, or something else that looks bad.
Note: The information found on the above judgment debtors is typical of what’s
available from good databases. But some states limit what information they sell. For
example, California typically will not provide vehicle information. And, in some states
with rural areas, the real property information may be sketchy.
You’ll find that after a while people will call you with their judgments. I get
calls, and I run my database while I have the creditor or the attorney on the phone
and screen out 9 out of 10 judgments right then.
Remember: It’s better to take no judgments than a crummy one. I know. I
took a lot of crummy ones when I started. Not anymore.
There are a lot of reasons not to take a judgment.
But only 6 reasons to take a judgment:
Lien, Levy, Garnishment, Till Tap, Keeper, or assignment order.
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