Page 166 - Judgment Enforcement Course 1
P. 166

Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course

                        Most corporations today are small. A lot of them are mom and pop corporations.  A

                    chiropractor will have a corporation, as will a pre-school, a parking lot business, a tree
                    trimming company and a taxi company. Like large corporations, they want to make sure
                    that if an employee has an accident, or if something else untoward happens, the corporation
                    alone will be liable for the damages and not the people who started the corporation.

                       Now, because the small corporation was probably set up to limit liabilities, there may be
                    only a few assets in the corporation itself. The founder of the corporation has made himself
                    an employee, receiving a hefty salary from the corporation each month, leaving very few
                    assets in the corporation itself. The reason is obvious:  If the company gets sued, not only
                    are the owner’s assets protected, but in addition practically nothing is left of value in the
                    corporation that would be worth suing!   The “owner” of the corporation can then buy his
                    fancy car, buy homes, travel, etc., with his annual income from the corporation, while the
                    corporation itself may have very little money in the bank, and few other assets.  Get the

                         This means that you have to exploit what I call the “4 Secret Assets.”

                                           What are the 4 Secret Assets of the

                               ✓ The customers of the corporation
                               ✓ The employees of the corporation

                               ✓ The methods by which the corporation keeps track of its records

                               ✓ The ways the corporation gets paid (credit card machine, etc.)

                       The customers and employees can be questioned at a JDX or subpoenaed if they have
                    knowledge of the JD company’s income and assets. (Check your state’s specific codes to
                    see what’s possible.) The bookkeeper tracks business money, and credit card companies
                    know all about the company’s billing. And, the business won’t like you bringing these
                    people in to provide information about the assets. You may get a call asking, “How can we


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