Page 50 - Judgment Enforcement Course 1
P. 50
Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
55 Minutes STEP 2
The court case file is where you can discover the answer to these 10 questions:
1) What was the court case about?
2) Was a judgment rendered?
3) How much is the judgment for?
4) How old is the judgment?
5) Was it satisfied? (Already paid)
6) What efforts have been made to collect the judgment?
7) Has the judgment already been assigned to someone else?
8) Who is the Creditor and the Debtor?
9) …and where do they live?
10) Is this judgment worth
Back in the day, when I was going through court
files at the courthouse, I would usually research
between 50 and 250 court cases at a time. After I got
used to it, it took me only about 2 hours. Whether you do it on the computer using
databases, or on the courthouse website, or right there at the courthouse, it will take you a
lot longer at first, but pretty soon you’ll get much faster, and you’ll be skimming files
literally in seconds.
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