Page 69 - Judgment Enforcement Course 1
P. 69

Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course

                        How to Find Your Judgments on the Databases

                           Okay, let’s say that you now have your search access to TracersInfo, IRBSearch,
                    TLO or another really competent search place, and maybe you’ve signed up for Clear
                    Choice’s Credit reports. And you have your Case Research pages in front of you. What
                    you are going to do now is investigate the JD’s using one of the better databases.
                         Your goal is to find out which judgments have the “better debtors.”

                        I’ll say this a different way. Your goal is to learn everything you can about a JD before
                    you solicit the assignment from the creditor. This will save you time and money.
                       When you run one of the Databases, you’ll be absolutely amazed how much
                    information is out there about people. It’s not available to the general public. But because
                    of your business, it’s available to you.

                                 You can also find judgments themselves on these databases

                                              Civil Judgments on Tracers Info
                                                         Cost: $1.00
                                    Price quoted includes 'No Records Found' responses
                                 •  Judgments Search by Business Name
                                 •  Judgments Search by Business Name & State

                                 •  Judgments Search by Individual Name
                                 •  Judgments Search by Indiv. Name & State
                                 •  Judgments Search by Indiv. Name & Address

                                 •  Judgments Search by Address

                    Here’s a cool way to search on a lot of the databases: Put in your

                    state and city, and a key word -Automotive, or Chiropractor, or
                    Construction, or Smith, or Greene, or HOA, or Plumber, or             USING
                    “Café” or something else. Then you’ll get ALL the judgments           DATABASES TO
                    (for $1) where that key word is either a plaintiff or defendant.      FIND
                         Please note too, that not every state and county is equally      JUDGMENTS
                    covered here. For example, North Carolina has judgments on
                    both TLO and Tracers, but not as many as other states. Western
                    NY has even fewer, I’ve learned. Don’t call and ask me why. Who knows?

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