Page 135 - Judgment Enforce Course_Neat
P. 135
Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
How do I know when to levy the account?
The last deposits information that we provide may tell you. If $6K came in on the first
or second day of the months, that’s when I’d do it during the next month.
Cool extra note! In GA, MO and IO, bank levies are good for 30 days. That
means any money placed in the account after your levy is seized up to 30 days.
(In other states, you get what is in there at the time of the levy.)
Wage Garnishments
Step 5: How to do a Wage Garnishment
There aren’t any really super databases that tell you where the JD
Important Note: Federal law
works. But if the person started a business, or has worked as a prohibits taking more than
supervisor, or has been there for some time, then our regular 25% of a JD’s wages. After
database may have it. all, the JD has to eat and
pay rent too. But 25% is
Here are some methods people use to find employment: enough, and it’s regular.
Wage garnishments are a
1. Has tons of employment terrific way to satisfy
info & about 20% “Hits.” No-hit-no-fee. You supply judgments.
SSN, and they search for you. (Not great, but good.)
2. More and more people are listing information about themselves at job websites like, and also, Facebook, and other places
3. Credit Report inquiries: on the bottom of the report (large employers pull a
potential employee's credit report, and it may suggest a new job there).
4. In NY, we have information subpoenas. When you learn how to subpoena, you can
subpoena the JD for his employment.
5. Follow the JD to work. (easy, usually. I’ve done it).
6. Hire an investigator to follow the JD to work. (Check for costs)
7. JDX the JD (more below about that.)
Again, there’s nothing perfect for this. I wish there were. But often the JC knows where
he’s working, and simply doesn’t want the hassle of doing the garnishment.
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