Page 207 - Judgment Enforce Course_Neat
P. 207
Personal Service: When the court papers are served directly and
personally on an individual. This is the best type of service because it
leaves little doubt that the person was served. Personal service can be
accomplished though a sheriff or Registered Process Server. In small
claims court in some states, anyone except the plaintiff can serve the
Piercing the Corporate Veil: The act of showing that the corporation
has failed to keep itself as a separate entity or “person,” thus making an
individual the alter ego of the corporation, and liable for the debts of
the corporation. In many cases the judgment can then be amended to
include the alter ego.
Pretext: Pretending that you are someone you are not in order to get
information about the debtor. In most cases this is illegal.
Probate: The official process of proving the validity of a will.
Proof of Service: Legal document signed under penalty of perjury
describing who was served the court documents, when, and how.
Pro per: Latin for “by oneself.” This is the phrase used when you
represent yourself in court. “I am in pro per.”
Registered Process Server (RPS): A person registered in the county
to serve legal papers. I prefer to use an RPS rather than a sheriff
because the RPS works for me, not the county. When I levy on a
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bank, I can tell the RPS exactly when to do it (maybe the 2nd or 16 P
the month when direct deposits come in.) Sheriffs will usually levy on
their own schedule. The RPS still has to file the paperwork with the
sheriff, but the RPS does the actual work.
To find a Registered Process Server in your area, go to
Restitution Order: An order by the court that a sum of money be paid
as compensation for loss or injury. This is often used in criminal cases.
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