Page 180 - Judgment Enforce Course2020
P. 180

Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course

                    event you are lied to. The creditor is then liable to you for the amount you would have

                    received if the judgment had been good.

                       Also, there are a number of scammers, usually from overseas, who contact us with the
                    judgment in our state. Be careful! Because, after they assign the judgment, the so-called
                    “debtor” will contact you with a full payment, or whatever. It looks like a certified check
                    from a bank, so you cash it (they hope) and right away mail the creditor his money. Two
                    weeks later the “certified” check bounces. It was a fake.  And now you owe the bank!

                    Okay, so what do I do?
                       Obviously, avoid putting yourself in this position. After I check out the JD on my
                    database, I check out the JC. I want to see if there’s been any criminal activity.

                       In cases where I’ve been tricked into garnishing a bank account or something else,
                    when I learn about it, I immediately reverse everything I’ve done. And I apologize to the
                    former JD.

                             9.  I want to add another debtor to the Judgment. How do I do that?

                       After you begin enforcing a judgment, you may realize
                    that most of the assets are in the debtor’s spouse’s name, or         YOU CAN’T ADD

                    the brother’s, or someone else’s, maybe sister Sue or cousin          A WHOLE NEW
                    Jimmy twice removed. Maybe that person was just as                    PERSON TO THE
                    responsible for the debt but wasn’t sued. So, now you want to         JUDGMENT
                    add the other person to the judgment.

                                  The short answer to this is:  You can’t.

                       You simply can’t ask the court to add a new person, because that person:

                          ✓  was never served in the first place, and therefore
                          ✓  the person did not have an opportunity to defend himself or herself in court.

                       My recommendation: Don’t even try.

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