Page 187 - Judgment Enforce Course2020
P. 187
Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
35 Minutes
Okay, maybe this is the end of the world. Maybe not. It depends.
Note: If the debtor is honest and just on hard times, I
don’t follow him into bankruptcy. I usually drop it,
unless I’ve successfully lien his property. If I have,
there are things I may be able to do.
If there are simply no assets at all, and never where,
then there’s not much I can do. And I probably
shouldn’t have taken the case. But I make mistakes
But if the debtor files a dishonest bankruptcy petition,
then I’ll fight him. I’ll also fight him if the underlying
judgment was for fraud, theft, auto accident where
alcohol or drugs were involved, or something else.
that is “nondischargeable” under Rule 523 of the
Bankruptcy is the way the law permits honest debtors to discharge (render
unenforceable) their debts and get a clean start. This is not always a bad thing because
there really are some honest debtors out there—good people who have hit irreparably hard
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