Page 200 - Judgment Enforce Course2020
P. 200
Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
3 Minutes
Don’t Forget the Satisfaction of Judgment
The Satisfaction of Judgment
When each judgment is paid in full, it is absolutely necessary for you to file a
Satisfaction of Judgment with the court, and with the county recorder of every county in
which you’ve recorded a lien such as an Abstract of Judgment. You must do it for two
reasons: 1) It’s the right thing to do, and 2) The debtor can sue you if you don’t.
Yes, he can sue you. He might claim that you hurt his credit rating or something else,
such as that he couldn’t buy the home he wanted, and the home values in his area
appreciated, and therefore because of you he lost money he otherwise would have had, and
you are liable, and he’s going to sue you. We are in a sue-happy society, and you already
know many debtors are clever and maybe devious. Don’t take a chance!
So just fill out the Satisfaction of Judgment. There is a sample in Appendix #10 and on
the Forum. Check your court website for the right form for you. Mail the original and a
copy to the Court and ask them to send you back a conformed copy. Enclose a self-
addressed stamped envelope so they can mail it back. Also, send the debtor a copy.
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