Page 186 - Judgment Enforcement Course
P. 186

Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course

                                          15. Oh No! My JD put his home in a trust!

                    Sounds like a big deal, doesn’t it? It’s not. Almost all personal trusts are what is call, a
                    “Living Trust.”

                    I’ve got a whole lesson on this on the Forum— under Intermediate and Advanced Lessons
                    For now I’ll say that a trust is like a garage. You put

                    your car in the garage just like a person puts his home
                    and car in a trust. Are they still his? Yep. He owns
                    them. So, you can still attach them and seize them. I
                    had a whole trust turned over to me in court once. I
                    owned it. It was now mine. Why? Because it was an
                    asset of the JD’s, and the court gave that asset to me to
                    help satisfy the judgment.

                    But again, much more on this in Lesson #10 on the Forum.

                                                           *  *  *

                                             Okay. Now onto the final obstacle –

                                       Bankruptcies, and how to best deal with them.

                                  This is another one of those chapters that you probably

                                    won’t need to study until you run into this situation.

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