Page 123 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
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     latest news headlines
UAE – Abu Dhabi’s annual Mother of the Nation (MOTN) festival is the UAE’s largest cultural celebration. For ten days last month, over a kilometer of Abu Dhabi’s Approaching the end of a very busy season in the Middle East, there was one more important event that the events industry in the region would be looking forward to – The Middle East Event Awards for 2016/2017. There was a sense of excitement that could be felt across the industry in the lead up to the awards ceremony this time, as everyone was aware that it would have to take something really special to break through the competition in every award category. Bold creativity had worked its way into a myriad of great events throughout the year across the Middle East and for Protec, a company that prides itself in
its creative and innovative use of technology; there was one more bit of exciting technology that the company was going to offer, a day before the ceremony was to take place.
With video technology growing at a furious pace, it would come as no surprise that Protec would find another clever tool that the company believes will shape the way video content is used across all types of events. Protec’s latest technology investment in Notch – a real-time visual effects software created by 10bit Technologies, was introduced to the region’s live event industry at the recently held Middle East Event Show 2017. The first company in the region to invest in this exciting technology, Protec demonstrated the software’s clever real-time effects generation to visitors at the Expo whilst its robot was making sure visitors to the stand were kept refreshed with hot and cold beverages at the company’s ever popular ROBOBAR.
Protec demonstrated the power of Notch where you can continually innovate with effects in real-time, creating, changing, compositing and editing with immediate feedback. Notch is designed to allow you to plan, create and track with your visual narrative, for a close, compelling and visually arresting account. With the industry demanding a new class of tool to produce high quality visual effects, whilst working unconstrained on the final product in real time, the development and introduction of Notch has certainly delivered. Convinced that is probably the most complete, controllable and integrated real-time visual effects engine around that has set new standards for real-time, Protec is very excited to be able to offer this latest tool to its clients in the region. The company also looks forward to integrating this technology with its other exciting real time tracking solution – BlackTrax and its d3 media servers to develop a new beginning in interactive video technology for the Middle East.
As Protec introduced yet another new technology to the Middle East at the Expo, the excitement
of the imminent industry awards ceremony didn’t miss a beat. With the success of the creative tools
Protec had to offer at the two-day expo, the company’s attention was eventually shifted to the awards
ceremony. Its persistent desire to continually innovate and provide new and creative ways of using technology, was underlined yet again by the award
they received at the Middle East Event Awards 2017 for ‘Best use of Event Technology – Product’ for the company’s use of robotics across multiple event disciplines, for the second year in succession – cementing its status as an unrivalled industry leader in the region when it comes to innovations and creative delivery of staging and technical solutions. Since the company introduced robotics to the Middle East events industry a couple of years back, Protec’s robots have been seen at a variety of events, programmed to serve drinks, sketch, write, perform with dancers, move scenic stage set pieces and work with LED screens. The head of Protec’s special projects department that works with the robots, Peter Jones, said: “There is so much more to come. What we have done with our robots in the last couple of years is just the tip of the iceberg. We have been working a lot closer with our clients lately to develop ideas together and we are encouraging them not to hold their imagination back because that is precisely what inspires us to create new concepts and methods
to implement them successfully. The opportunities are endless and I’m looking forward to
its continued creative development.”
Before the company had time to digest this win, Protec was called on to receive its second award of the night for ‘Best Event Video Solution’ for the prestigious Dubai Canal Opening Ceremony. Protec delivered this show whilst battling the coastal winds, dust from the building works and the fact that this was a construction site with hundreds of people working together around the clock – everyone from building construction companies to labourers, carpenters, stonemasons, etc. – but a bit of quick thinking from the company’s experienced and technically skilled personnel, helped overcome most of these challenges to deliver this award winning video solution.
It wasn’t long before Protec’s wins went to number three with the award for Best Temporary Venue or Structure for the IDEX 2017 Opening Ceremony. The IDEX opening ceremony watched by a 25,000 live audience across five days and millions via a live televised broadcast broke all records with the highest recorded visitor count, thanks to the spectacular show that was repeated on all five days of the expo. Converting a flat, tarmac car park into what was to become a stunning mountain scenic set with landscaping, waterfalls, road networks, a railway track with a custom built functional train was built, a submarine in the temporary water feature and many more interesting structures, was no simple task. Protec’s staging department rose to the occasion once more to deliver a scenic staging set that ‘came alive’ for this truly one-of-a-kind show and what the media has already termed as the mother of all productions.
When asked for his reaction to another successful year for Protec with the three award wins, Stephen Lakin – Founder and CEO of the company said: “Allow me to first congratulate all the winners this year. For us however, it’s not about winning awards but being able to raise the bar of creativity and delivery with consistency and reliability. We are humbled by the awards we have won though and would like to thank our clients for their continued faith in our abilities. These awards are a testament to their conviction and belief in their own creative strengths and in trusting us to partner them to create great events in this ever growing region.”
“We have some very exciting technologies that are there to be used and we will continue to ensure that the latest event technologies are made available in this region,” continued Lakin. “It only remains for our clients and supporters to think the unthinkable, be bold with creativity and be unafraid of challenging accepted norms and leave the rest to us. Together, we will grow and set new global standards,” Lakin concluded.
23rd May 2017

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