Page 130 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 130

   As Protec introduced yet another new technology to the Middle East at the Expo, the excitement of the imminent industry awards ceremony didn’t miss a beat. With the success of the creative tools Protec had to offer at the 2-day expo, the company’s attention was eventually shifted to the awards ceremony.
Its persistent desire to continually innovate and provide new and creative ways of using Awards 2017 for ‘Best use of Event Technology – Product’ for the company’s use of robotics across multiple event disciplines, for the second year in succession – cementing its status as an unrivalled industry leader in the region when it comes to innovations and creative delivery of staging and technical solutions. Since the company introduced robotics to the Middle East events industry a couple of years back, Protec’s robots have been seen at a variety of events, programmed to serve drinks, sketch, write, perform with dancers, move scenic stage set pieces and work with LED screens. The head of Protec’s Special Projects department that works with the robots – Peter Jones said, “There is so much more to come. What we have done with our robots in the last couple of years is just the tip of the iceberg. We have been working a lot closer with our clients lately to develop ideas together and we are encouraging them not to hold their imagination back because that is precisely what inspires us to create new concepts and methods to implement them successfully. The opportunities are endless and I’m looking forward to its continued creative development”.

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