Page 155 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 155

  quick and there is no spillage. This is really going to help when we have larger numbers of guests lining up to get a drink from our robobars.”
Ed Ross, Protec’s Audio HOD was equally excited with his department taking stock of the new Syva Colinear audio system from L-Acoustics. He says: “It is a great system to use for medium sized corporate events. It is a slick and corporate friendly ground stack system (which can also be flown), that looks much better than your average speakers on sticks.
It is also rather slim, so good for sight lines especially when it comes to corporate events and exhibitions where elegance and discretion are important. The system is optimised for ultra-wide horizontal coverage with extended throw capability. We’ve barely had it delivered and tested and it’s already out the door on events which actually doesn’t surprise me.”
However, like CEO – Stephen Lakin has always maintained throughout the company’s 18 year history – his biggest asset, is his team. When asked about what makes Protec so special, Lakin replied, “We are not just the typical audio visual equipment rental company. Anyone can throw some gear into a box, but it takes real creative vision and skill sets to transform that box into an environment that people want to inhabit. At the end of the day, gear is gear, it’s the people behind the gear that make a show worth remembering.”

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