Page 176 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 176

        Protec fills a gap with Syva
September 27, 2017
  UAE: Protec has added to its audio inventory with the purchase of L-Acoustics’ new Syva Colinear Source systems. ‘Syva fills a real gap in the market,’ explained Protec head of audio Ed Ross. ‘When there is no ability to hang any speakers in the room but we need to cover 200 to 300 people, this provides an elegant neat looking ground stacked solution.’
The systems were purchased directly from the manufacturer. Protec has taken stock of Syva Tops, Lows and Subs, with more on order.
‘It is a great system to use for medium-sized corporate events,’ furthered Mr Ross.
‘It is a slick and corporate friendly ground stack system, which can also be flown, that looks much better than your average speakers on sticks. The system is optimised for ultra-wide horizontal coverage with extended throw capability. We’ve barely had it delivered and tested and it’s already out the door on events.’
One such event was at Versace. ‘It was a 40m x 30m room and the whole room was covered by the two Syva Tops and two Syva Lows perfectly without the need for any delay speakers or fills,’ Mr Ross confirmed.

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