Page 338 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 338

  Getting the set and entire visual effect to be uniform across all the venues involved working closely with the lighting team.
“We also had to work hand in hand with the other departments, especially with lighting. Because of the changes made, lights were shifted slightly and we had to cut new access holes into the set panels for them,” Snyman added, “Those were the only major changes and challenges we had on site. Before we started the build, we sat down and worked on a realistic and practical timeline to make sure the build was carried out without any delays. We made a day by day schedule on the entire sequence of events, including Abigail and the lighting department. We also planned a worst case scenario schedule for this gig to ensure we were prepared for any pitfalls or external factors along the way. In short, we were extremely well prepared for the gig from the very beginning right through.”
Protec project manager, Pieter Smuts paid tribute to the excellence of his crew for the weeks of planning, preparation and successful delivery, turning an ambitious and ground-breaking concept into a reality. “The show itself was amazing to be a part of
– it looked great and sounded great,” he said. “There were no issues and I could not be happier. We look forward to partnering with Envie events again very soon.”
Director of Envie Events, Barry Pavic, reflected on another successful Unite with Tomorrowland leaving us with these final words:
“Our goal is to bring people from all walks of life, countries, backgrounds and unite them as one with the power of music. That is exactly what UNITE with Tomorrowland did once again and we are very happy with the feedback. It is with the help of strong partners like Protec, and many others, that have made this concept such a huge success in the UAE.”
Protec has been the cornerstone of the events industry in the Middle East since 1999. Established by industry leader and habitual pioneer Stephen Lakin, Protec has grown into the region’s most committed and consistently reliable event equipment rental company, producing live events that are truly spectacular, leading edge, and globally acclaimed. Now with branches in the UK and KSA, it continues to expand its global reach.

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