Page 34 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 34

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAKING THE NEWS
                            aCcEsS ALl AReAs
in conversation with
 the ninth in a series
                    Owning the stage
Protec CEO Stephen Lakin talks to Access about the role the company’s scenic and staging department plays in its delivery of extraordinary event experiences
                                                                            SINCE our formation in 1999, Protec has grown into an industry forerunner, providing event solutions to create the kind of immersive experiences that inspire attendees. The company has been the force behind thousands of creative and innovative technical solutions for every type and size of live event experiences in and around the Middle East region.
We know how AV and lighting play very important roles in ensuring event environments are brought to life, which is why we continually invest in the latest technologies and use only globally trusted equipment brands. Our enormous stocks of AV and lighting equipment, along
with trussing, automation, conference equipment and backline remain unrivalled, ensuring that all our clients’ local and regional requirements are well catered for. More recently, our advanced technology solutions
department, which was launched two years ago and specialises in the delivery of more avant-garde technological solutions including robotics, motion tracking, etc., has also jumped onto the bandwagon and has amplified a fresh expectancy of creativity in the region with new and exciting technical solutions to enhance audience engagement.
One of our departments however, that has played a rather important role when it comes to creating outstanding event environments, is our scenic and staging department. I remember this department delivering its first large-scale project for the Dubai Shopping Festival opening ceremony in 2002, shortly after Protec was founded. The stage design and delivery for this show was ground-breaking at the time and the department immediately gained the respect of the industry in the region, as a pioneering and prominent specialised unit of the company, traits that
Protec had already established synonymity with by then.
Since those early beginnings, much like all our other departments,
our scenic and staging department has evolved into one that has not
just adopted new technologies but is able to use them creatively. With innovative use of these new technologies, we have designed and built truly fascinating live event environments over the years. Although the department was set up mainly as a support service for events that used our AV and lighting back in the day, it has since, outgrown that initial role and is now a mature and much sought after unit of Protec. The department has its own woodworking, metal and specialist workshops equipped with the latest design and fabrication equipment and facilities.
We have designed and built a wide array of scenic sets and stages for events that range from corporate conferences to concerts through to
action packed live event and theatrical spectaculars that suit every budget. This year alone, we have built some great scenic sets for events that include the Unite with Tomorrowland concert, royal weddings and corporate shows in and around the region. One event that really stands out for me this year is the IDEX opening ceremony, an award winning show I personally managed and delivered. For this very complex show, we designed and built a scenic set that required some quick and innovative thinking. We had to build mountains with waterfalls, a lake, a ship, an operational
train, an operational submarine and a few other scenic structures and motorised props that were important elements of the show – all built on a venue that is actually a parking lot. Most importantly, we had a budget that challenged us to think out of the box. As always, no challenge
was too big and the department rose to the occasion to deliver beyond expectations. It was a fascinating experience to come up with ideas and solutions with the crew and then actually build them to perfection. I
still remember the awe and astonishment from our clients and the gasps from the audiences, especially when they saw what they thought was a real train pulling into the ‘station’ as part of the show. The reactions were phenomenal and it is moments like these that don’t just inspire me, but also inspire my entire team to raise the stakes even higher.
I have always maintained that although Protec has an investment of well over US$80m in equipment and technology, my biggest asset is my team – all 147 of them. Any company can have all the kit and technology but at the end of the day, it is the creative vision and skill sets of the crew behind the gear that are able to raise event productions from ‘ordinary and acceptable’ to extraordinary event experiences that will always be remembered by both the audience and the client.
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