Page 27 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 5
P. 27

*obviously  I  went  for  that  one?!? If  you're
     This was the moment referenced back to in                 gonna do something wrong in secret, do it
     uncontained laughter after the third cocktail             right damnit!
     was in!                                                   **don't live by this
     See, 3 shots of vodka are not likely to make              The  Hub  was  totally  OK  with  the  impulse
     me giggle? Be more chatty, sure! But finding              buy when he saw what I handed him...
     things far funnier than normally would on                 See  I  oh-so-suave  welcomed  him  home
     any other Monday night? Unlikely.                         with I 'bought you a gift'
     That's when I decided, even though it was                 Stoners.... This is The Jackpot for either just

     9pm and outside temp was still 29*C.... I                 a  personal  spoil,  or...  considering  the  time
     wanted to try on my socks.                                of the year with gifts left right and center?!
     So, I don't know about how your household                 This  is  the  PERFECT  gift  package  to
     is on a Monday night during a heatwave....                consider giving your fellow stoner friends!
     But ours is usually pretty darn, flat                     The  packaging  is  so  beautifully  done,  that
      and miserable ?                                          you can actually send the gift directly to the
     This Night?                                               receiver!!
     Not that                                                  But  really...  Get  one  for  yourself  too...  You
     My favorite thing about this Infused                      deserve it!
     Vodka , is that you consume less                          Now  I'd  like  to  just  quickly  share  Jillian
      booze to get to a nicer tipsy?                           Green's Mission:
     *the fact that it's                                       "-  to  create  millions  of  smiles  with
      Infused means you're                                     moments of happiness, laughter & love
     Medicating yourself                                       -  we  pride  ourselves  of  delivering  quality
      Simultaneously #yaycannabinoids!                         products  with  the  greatest  customer
                                                               experience possible"

      Naturally, I "woke and boke"                             Not  to  make you reread the whole babble
     with my New Mug the next morning.                         above again, but between the smiles of glee
     'I  live  the High life' in beautiful  calligraphy        scrolling  through  their  pricelist,  to  the
     making the gangsta-like saying peaceful, as               happiness  of  this  awesome  stuff  arriving,
     stoners do                                                the laughter that these yummy treats bring
     As  always,  I  have  promised  you  honesty  in          on,  to  the  love  I  experienced  dealing  with
     my reviews....                                            them on both my orders,
     So  I'm  going  to  honestly  tell  you,  that  the       I  can  unreservedly  say  guys,  "Mission
     overall  service  experienced,  together  with            Accomplished"!
     how  much  we  loved  the  product....                    Beautiful Job!
     *whispers  so  The  Hub  can't  hear*...  I               *gets back to morning Infused Mimosa*
     sneakily made a second order, because as he     
     himself said.... I didn't even get passed page            648

     2 last time? So I'm actually being obedient?!
     **takes  an  awkward  sip  of  her  Infused
     Morning Mimosa and looks away... *
     Sooo many Swieties to choose from?!?
     Oooh but wait.... They do GIFT PACKS!!!
     So  there's  a  pamper  style  one  where  you
     have  your  Infused  bath  salts  and  self  care
     stuffies, and then you get the one with the
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