Page 297 - MANUAL OF SOP
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Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
non-co-operative producer exporters, which is called the residual rate applicable to
10.8. Sometimes, especially when selling prices of PUC are volatile or vary
significantly, NIP and Landed Value is computed month/quarter wise fora more
accurate analysis. Injury margin in all such cases shall be worked out monthly/
quarterly. However, it must be ensured in all such cases that overall month/quarter
wise weighted average injury margin should reconcile with the overall injury margin
for the POI as a whole.
10.9. The calculation of injury margin is comparatively simpler where there
are no PCNs asonly one NIP and one landed value figure needs to be
determined. However, when the product under consideration is sub-divided into
PCNs, landed value and NIP is required to be determined for each of the PCNs
individually for calculation of injury margins. This ensures a fair comparison of like
10.10. As per the established practice in DGTR, weighted average injury margins
are calculated based on the actual mix of PCNs exported by the respective exporters.
In other words, DGTR does not consider the mix of PCNs actually produced by the
DI and their quantities for calculation of injury margin.
10.11. The PCN wise NIP will be common for all responding producer exporters. The
IM is calculated for individual PCNs based on their individual LV and NIP and then
weighted average based on respective exporter’s quantity of exports. The landed
value will have to be worked out separately with respect to each co-operating
producer exporter based on their export price as per Appendix-2.
10.12. Based on PCN wise landed value and NIP, injury margins hall be worked out
with respect to each PCN exported to India by the respective producer exporter.
Thereafter, a producer exporter wise weighted average of IM is calculated based
on the quantity of actual PCN mix of exports by the respective producer exporters
to arrive at the figure of injury margin for each co-operative producer exporter.
However, in some cases, an exception has been made and PCN wise duty has been
recommended on the merits of the case .
3 Final Finding in anti-dumping investigations on imports of Digital offset printing Plates originating in or exported
from China PR and Japan, F.N. 14/7/2011-DGAD dated October 3, 2012;Final Finding in anti-dumping investigations
on imports of Cathode Ray color television picture tubes originating in or exported from China PR, Korea, Thailand
and Malaysia. No. 14/8/2007-DGAD dated February 17, 2009