Page 4 - Lead Paint Discolure Pamphlet_Flip
P. 4
Lead Gets in the Body in Many Ways
People can get lead in their body if they:
In the
United u Put their hands or other objects
covered with lead dust in their mouths.
about u Eat paint chips or soil that contains
children ages u Breathe in lead dust (especially during
renovations that disturb painted
1 to 5 have a surfaces).
level above Lead is even more dangerous to children
the level of than adults because:
concern. u Babies and young children often put
their hands and other objects in their
Even children mouths. These objects can have lead
who appear dust on them.
healthy can u Children’s growing bodies absorb more
have danger- lead.
ous levels of
lead in their u Children’s brains and nervous systems
bodies. are more sensitive to the damaging
effects of lead.