Page 1 - The Brand Raton
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T˙ Daily Tomb‘tone

                                                         15 MAR 2019

              Where Does The                  a bad deal.

                 Name Rat´on
                                                 Confucius Say -Never approach a
                Come From ?                   bull from the front, a horse from the
                                              rear or a fool from any direction.
                   By LIFE IN PERTH
                                                 Fates fickle finger had other plans
                                              for Rat´on as he not only beat a very
               “Courage   and   grace  is  a  experienced matador to his fate but
            formidable mixture. The only place  he in-fact sent three Matador’s to the
            to see it is the bullring.” Seeing a  grave pumping daisy’s. Spectators of-      Reuters
            Bullfight from the bulls prospective  ten tease, provoke and rile the animal
            I would imagine seeing a "wet rat"  before the bullfight and he injured 30
            in tights, his curly moustache shim-  in return for their favours.       International
            mering in the light and his gold tooth                                   Moose Count
            flashing. An argument broke out the
                                                 The story impressed me so much
            morning before the bullfight between                                         Underway
                                              that I decided to pay tribute to the
            the matadors mom advising him to
                                              creature by naming my products af-
            wear a blazer with as many gold pins
                                              ter him. The first time we bought         By BOB O’BOBSTON
            possible only to bedazzle the crowd
                                              a “Mini BMX” it reminded me of a
            and his Dad insisting he wear rugby
                                              miniature bull and after I told my son
            socks to make the woman flock. He
                                              the story we imagined me being the
            listened to both of them and rocked                                    The UN-sponsored International
                                              matador and he was the bull playing
            up at the arena dressed to impress                                  Moose Census got off to a flying
                                              in an empty carpark close by.
            with plans to dance the bull to death.                              start today with hopes for an increase
               You might have picked up that I                                  in the worldwide moose population
            am not a fan of bullfighting , it’s not  The bull is renowned for being  compared to last year’s disapointing
            only cruel but ridiculously unfair. If  quick , agile and strong spirited, just  figures. Among the traditional early
            the Matador is hurt or injured and  like our “Mini BMX Bikes” . So wel-  reporters were Egypt, returning fig-
            isnt capable of fighting anymore, he is  come the new product launch. We  ures of six moose, a twenty percent
            replaced by another matador who fin-  promise to give you products to make  increase on 2011’s figures of five, and
            ishes the bull off. So much for a 1 on  amazing adventures and memories of  Uruguay whose moose population re-
            1 fight , it’s closer to playing cricket  your own. Perhaps they could also  mains stable at eleven.
            2 batsman vs 11 fielders. The event  turn into legacies like Rat´on     According to Robbie McRobson,
            is labelled as an "Art" not a “Sport”                               head of the UN Moose Preserva-
            which is supposed to be a “an uneven                                tion Council, worldwide moose num-
                                                 Before we get to some humour
            yet beautiful tragedy”. I am a Tau-                                 bers are expected to grow markedly
                                              lets highlight that “A customer is the
            rus and I also concede I love eating                                on last year due to the traditional
                                              most important visitor on site. He is
            meat. Yes this is rich me telling you                               moose strongholds of Canada and the
                                              not dependent on us. We are depen-
            about the story but I don’t admire                                  United States, with the larger de-
                                              dent on him. He is not an interrup-
            cruelty. I respect cultures and under-                              veloping moose ecologies also poised
                                              tion in our work. He is the purpose of
            stand the “Art” is 600 years old and I                              to make gains. The largest percent-
                                              it. He is not an outsider in our busi-
            might have no clue about the history                                agege increase in moose will likely
                                              ness. He is part of it. We are not
            of it but man so I love a good story.                               come from China’’, says McRobson,
                                              doing him a favour by serving him.
            One of my favourites is of Rat´on the                               The Chinese government has invested
                                              He is doing us a favour by giving us
            most famous bull in Spain’s history.                                heavily in moose infrastructure over
                                              an opportunity to do so. Kenneth b
            The Bull was born small , tormented                                 the past decade, and their committ-
                                              Elliot 1941.
            and kept in a dark room for long pe-                                ment to macrofauna is beginning to
            riods of time , sort of like my He-                                 pay dividends’’. Since 2004 China has
            mans toys as a kid and this gave him  The twist with Rat´on is he not  expanded moose pasture from 1.5%
            a very bad temper.He was destined to only bested a very experienced mata- of arable land to nearly 3.648% and
            be sent to his maker in the glamorous  dor to his death but he in fact sent  moose numbers are expected to rise
            bull arena. He certainly was handed three to the grave pumping daisy’s.  to 60,000 making China a net moose
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