Page 15 - Academic Handbook FoS+29june
P. 15

Department of Biosciences
             Department of Biosciences, Manipal University Jaipur run programs at under-graduate (B.Sc.) and post-graduate
             (M.Sc.)  level  in  Biotechnology  and  Microbiology.  The  B.Sc.  Biotechnology  program  is  specifically  designed  to
             introduce fundamentals of Biotechnology to the under-graduate students. The B.Sc. Biotech (Hons) is a 3 years (six
             semesters)  program  whose  curriculum  includes  various  courses  in  biological  sciences  together  with  related
             laboratory programs. This program comprises of different courses in different subjects – Cell Biology, Microbiology,
             Biochemistry,  Molecular  Biology,  Immunology,  Genetics,  Structural  Biology,  Bioinformatics,  Cancer  Biology  and
             many more. It is linked with Botany, Plant Biotechnology and Plant Physiology. Besides this, in order to essence the
             B.Sc. Biotech (Hons) program with the multidisciplinary fields, we are offering different open electives courses as
             well.  Department  also  offers  BSc  (Hons)  in  Microbiology  which  is  also  a  3  years  (six  semesters)  program.  This
             program provides a fundamental platform towards multiple disciplines in microbial technology and also provides an
             opportunity  to  study  and  learn  about  the  diverse  group  of  microorganisms  and  their  interaction  with  human,
             animal, plant and environment. The course deals with the diverse microbial processes including fermentation, food,
             agriculture, microbial genetics, antibiotics and production of bioactive molecules by using modern instrumentation
             facilities.  As  an  outcome  of  this  course,  students  will  be  fit  to  work  with  different  microbiological  and
             biotechnological enterprises dealing with any aspect of modern microbiological science. The M.Sc. Biotechnology is
             2 years (four semesters) program, which is specifically designed to groom the students for R&D industry. For the
             M.Sc. Biotech program, the department has implemented an integrated approach towards education as well as
             research and development in various fields of biological sciences such as Bioprocess Engineering and Downstream
             Processing, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Cancer Biology, and Animal Cell Culture etc. The
             M.Sc.  Biotech  program  is  highly  research-oriented  and  represents  a  perfect  amalgamation  of  biology  and
              The department is established for teaching and research in all thrust areas of biotechnology and microbiology to
             bridge  the  gap  between  basic  science  &  technology.  The  course  curriculum  is  regularly  updated  to  meet  the
             demand of present scenario. The department aims to meet the targeted demands to cater the requirements of
             biotechnology/ biopharmaceutical/ agriculture-based industries apart from fundamental research. The Department
             train  students  in  modern  skills  compatible  to  the  needs  of  industry  and  academia.  Students  are  provided  an
             opportunity to carry on research projects which may help them to grasp independent projects in future.
             Programs offered:
             Undergraduate - B.Sc. Biotechnology (Hons.) & B.Sc. Microbiology (Hons.)
             Post Graduate - M.Sc. Biotechnology                  Doctoral - Ph.D.

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