Page 6 - Academic Handbook FoS+29june
P. 6

Faculty of Science

             Faculty  of  Science  (FOS)  aims  to  foster  creativity  and  innovation  for  an  intellectually
             satisfying learning environment as well as to establish Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)
             as  a  globally  preferred  destination  for  students,  faculty,  researchers  and  other

             stakeholders. FOS includes School of Basic Sciences (SBS) which was entrusted with the
             responsibility of developing and executing academic programs in different discipline of
             Basic  Sciences  at  undergraduate,  postgraduate  and  research  levels.  The  SBS  consists  of

             five  departments:  Physics,  Chemistry,  Mathematics  &  Statistics  Biosciences,  and
             Department of Computer Applications. It also supports the teaching of Science courses in
             other  Schools  of  the  University  to  promote  interdisciplinary  studies.  The  SBS  has

             developed syllabi for various core courses blending basic science with interdisciplinary
             topics.  Experimental  learning,  study  visits  to  industries  and  research  institutes  are
             integral parts of all programs. These enable students to excel in the areas of basic as well

             as  applied  sciences.  In  addition,  they  serve  as  launching  pads  for  attractive  carrier
             opportunities in the academia and industry. The school has unique synergy of teaching
             and research with many national as well as international interactions and collaborations.

             “Searching the unknown out of the “so called known” is the spirit that makes “Science”
             one  of  the  most  unique  disciplines  where  the  need  to  ask  questions  and  the  urge  to
             address  them  never  end.  This  never  ending  journey  of  quest  is  what  we  encourage  the
             most at Manipal University Jaipur so that today’s Students can be nurtured to become
             tomorrow’s  Scientists  and  Technologists  to  serve  the  humanity  at  the  National  and
             International levels.”

                                                                            Dr A K Mukhopadhyay
                                                                                   Dean (FoS)

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