Page 150 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 150

Authority to Recover Collateral From Military Installation

                  Borrower:                                          Loan Number

                  Vehicle Description                                VIN Number

                  This is to inform you that you are now in default on the above referenced loan, made to you

                  As agent for the lien holder, I have been instructed to take possession of the above  described
                  vehicle on their behalf, in accordance with security regulations for this installation.  I have
                  notified the appropriate authorities of my intent to take possession of this vehicle. Any security
                  official accompanying me is here solely to ensure that the repossession of this vehicle does not
                  result  in  any  violation  of  security  regulations  for  this  military  installation  and  the security
                  official will not assist or influence the repossession of this vehicle.

                  Although I will not attempt to repossess the vehicle in the face of your resistance it is my duty
                  to inform you that                                        can and may, enforce  its rights by
                  court order, and in doing so, the cost of any such court proceedings, including attorney’s fees,
                  will be added to the amount you owe.

                  (Signature of Recovery Agent)

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