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the institution, consistent with section 502 of this subtitle, and including--

                   (A) the categories of persons to whom the information is or may be disclosed, other than
                   the persons to whom the information may be provided pursuant to section 502(e); and

                   (B) the policies and practices of the institution with respect to disclosing of nonpublic
                   personal  information  of  persons  who  have  ceased  to  be  customers  of  the  financial

                          (2)  the  categories  of  nonpublic  personal  information  that  are  collected  by  the
                          financial institution;
                          (3)  the  policies  that  the  institution  maintains  to  protect  the  confidentiality  and
                          security of nonpublic personal information in accordance with section 501; and

                          (4)  the  disclosures  required,  if  any,  under  section  603(d)(2)(A)(iii)  of  the  Fair
                          Credit Reporting Act.

                   SEC. 504. RULEMAKING.

                   (a) REGULATORY AUTHORITY.
                          (1) RULEMAKING.  The  Federal  banking  agencies,  the  National  Credit  Union
                          Administration,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  the  Securities  and  Exchange
                          Commission,  and  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  shall  each  prescribe,  after
                          consultation  as  appropriate  with  representatives  of  State  insurance  authorities
                          designated  by  the  National  Association  of  Insurance  Commissioners,  such
                          regulations  as  may  be  necessary  to  carry  out  the  purposes  of  this  subtitle  with
                          respect to the financial institutions subject to their jurisdiction under section 505.

                          (2) COORDINATION, CONSISTENCY, AND COMPARABILITY. Each of the
                          agencies and authorities required under paragraph (1) to prescribe regulations shall
                          consult  and  coordinate  with  the  other  such  agencies  and  authorities  for  the
                          purposes  of  assuring,  to  the  extent  possible,  that  the  regulations  prescribed  by
                          each such agency and authority are consistent and comparable with the regulations
                          prescribed by the other such agencies and authorities.
                          (3) PROCEDURES  AND  DEADLINE.  Such  regulations  shall  be  prescribed  in
                          accordance with applicable requirements of title 5, United States Code, and  shall
                          be issued in final form not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of
                          this Act.

                   (b)  AUTHORITY  TO  GRANT  EXCEPTIONS.  The  regulations  prescribed  under
                   subsection (a) may include such additional exceptions to subsections (a) through (d) of
                   section 502 as are deemed consistent with the purposes of this subtitle.

                   SEC. 505. ENFORCEMENT.
                   (a)  IN  GENERAL.  This  subtitle  and  the  regulations  prescribed  thereunder  shall  be
                   enforced  by  the  Federal  functional  regulators,  the  State  insurance  authorities,  and  the
                   Federal Trade Commission with respect to financial institutions and other persons subject
                   to their jurisdiction under applicable law, as follows:

                          (1) Under section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, in the case of—

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