Page 5 - FILM MUSIC Y8
P. 5

E E E F# E F# G G G F# E F# E E E F# E F# G G G F# E F#
C# E G B - These are the notes of ALL these chords
 Activity - In Pairs
Challenge: Learn the Bond Leitmotif and experiment with different ways that it can be performed rhythmically - perform quavers instead of 2 beat minims - think about syncopation.
Mastery: Learn the Bond Leitmotif - performing the chords with both your hands and consider the elements for challenge.
 Activity - In Pairs
Challenge: Attempt to perform the Leitmotif lower down on the keyboard whilst your partner performs Theme 1 on the higher pitches. Timing is so important - so make sure you are counting and performing along with the pulse
Mastery: Attempt to perform Theme 1 with your right hand and then the Leitmotif in your left!
 Activity - In Pairs
Mastery: Start thinking about different ways that you can perform the themes and what effects they might have on the emotions of a listener. For example - performing the leitmotif with a slow tempo and a soft dynamic gives a tense feeling compared if I played it faster. Think about different sounds you could use on your keyboard.
Super Mastery: Compose your own Bond theme - use the same sort of notes that are used in the themes that you’ve learnt

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