Page 7 - FILM MUSIC Y8
P. 7
Keyword Glossary
Week 4
Use these keywords to help you when planning how you will play your themes with the trailer
PITCH - High or Low - Where will you play the themes? How does this shape the mood? DYNAMICS - Forte (Loud) or Piano (Slow)? Crescendo or Diminuendo?
TEXTURE - How many layers are you using at the same time? Monophonic - Only one instrument
Homophonic - Melody with accompaniment
TIMBRE - What type of sounds will you use?
ARTICULATION - Will you play is legato (smoothly) or staccato (jumpy, short).
DURATION - How long the sounds you use - long sustained notes or fast, quick paced rhythms SILENCE - How well can you use silence to support the mood.
Consonant - Not clashy. Sounds nice - Major chords, Minor Chords
Dissonant - Clashy. Sounds harsh on the ear - Cluster chords, Diminished Chords, Augmented Chords Pedal Note - A long sustained note in the bass
Chromatic Scale - Going up or down by one semitone at a time Sequence - A small pattern repeated up or down in pitch Interval - The distance between one note to the next
Pizzicato - When a string instrument is plucked