Page 10 - Private Newsletter Issue No.1
P. 10

If you say ‘Oh bugger that went tits up’ with a   It’s made me tens of thousands of dollars up to
               smile on your face when something goes           now. Because it’s stopped me being indecisive
               wrong, you’re less likely to have a nervous      and forced me to take action.
               breakdown about it.
                                                                When you’re involved with a great new game
               Trust me I know – the month I’ve just had        on your console, and you come up against a
               included a potential lawsuit, a large chunk of   situation you’ve never seen before what do
               money down the drain and an aborted launch.      you do?

               Yet laughing about the whole thing put it        Do you put down your handset and switch off
               squarely into perspective and removed the fear   the console and go to bed?
               from the situation.
                                                                Or do grin you have a go regardless?
               Fear is paralyzing and stops you acting.
                                                                Press some buttons and see what happens?
               And THAT is when the real disasters happen.
                                                                Maybe you look for an alternate route or
               And let’s face it – none of us PLAN to have a    something to pick up to hit your enemy with?
               failure or make a mistake – we just do the best
               we have with the info that’s at hand.            But you DO something.
               If you think it’s irresponsible to believe in this   Possibly screaming ‘aaaaaaaargh’ as some
               way, email me and tell me why.                   alien rips your virtual head off, but I guarantee
                                                                you’ll have a smile on your face, and your
               Then go get some counseling and examine          heart will pound just a fraction quicker.
               your childhood because I think you might find
               some answers there.                              So why approach Internet Marketing like an
                                                                audience with the bloody Pope?
               Internet marketing is a bizarre, funny, weird
               and downright freaky way to make a living.       Play it like it’s a game guys, ‘cos it really IS

               So why take it seriously?                        Next Month…

               I don’t.                                         I’ll be sharing with you my life as an internet
                                                                marketer over the next 30 days
               I take my responsibility to my subscribers
               seriously.                                       Promos…Products…Profits…

               You want the truth?                              …and I’ll show you how to buy cheap MRR
                                                                and PLR rights (we’re talking less than $20
               I sometimes make my decisions by seeing          here) and how to turn that into a recurring
               which way up a beer bottle top land.
                                                                monthly income time and time again (very
                                                                clever one this)
               Does that make me a bad marketer?

               No – because if I can’t make a rational           I explain all next month
               decision based on the facts I know I still need   And much more…In next month’s issue.
                                                                (Always) in your corner,
               to take action one way or the other.
               The only alternative is NOT to take ANY
               action, and THAT is serious!                                    -  Paulo Ricci

               So, I get out my Bud lid and chuck it in the air.
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