Page 18 - DRT 2021 May
P. 18

businesses to create their own unique   university. He finds the time to drum
     branding. Fine art in the digital realm   with some super cool rock-n-roll bands
     has been the main focus of her personal   and various musical endeavors in his
     work .since acquiring a Mac 512K in   home city of Chicago, but his heart lies
     1985. In 2005, her show at the       in celluloid. Hopping on board to help
     Museum of Contemporary Art in San    with sound design, Aidan is excited to
     Juan, P.R., Toward a Digital Aesthetic:   share Together Apart with the
     The Art of Yolanda Fundora,          unwashed masses.
     emphasized the unique characteristics   Betsy True (Director) has had a
     that digital production brings to the
     visual arts. Her work forms part of   diverse career in the theatre as an
                                          award-winning director, writer and
     many private and corporate collections   actor that has spanned over 35 years.
     including the Museum of Contemporary
     Art’s permanent collection.          She has directed numerous plays in      NYC, NJ and LA, many of which were
                                          new works. She is delighted to be back
     Amy Hadam (Stage Manager) is         with Dreamcatcher Rep after directing
     always so thrilled to be back with   The Lucky Ones, What Stays,
     Dreamcatcher! This is her eighth     Psychodrama and the workshop of A
     season and her credits begin with The   Certain Age. She has directed pieces
     Language Archive and go all the way   that have been performed at the New
     through to last year's String Around My   Jersey Performing Arts Center, HERE
     Finger. Amy has also stage-managed   Arts Center, Alliance Rep, Manhattan
     Dreamcatcher's outreach productions of   Rep, Downtown Urban Arts Festival,
     Astonishment, How to be Old: The     Hudson Guild, The Secret Theatre, The
     Beginner's Guide and At 93. Amy is also   Chain Theatre, The Midtown
     the Production Stage Manager for Cape   International Theatre Festival,
     May Stage. Other credits include: Jekyll   Strawberry Festival, The Whitefire
     & Hyde and Spamalot at Surflight     Theatre, The Barrow Group, Fresh
     Theatre, A Piece of My Heart and Janey   Produce’d LA and The Bendheim
     Miller's World Tour at Speranza Theatre   Performing Arts Center, among others.
     Company, Miss Witherspoon and The    As an actor she has performed on
     Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler at   Broadway, off-Broadway, in National
     The Theater Project, and Talking to   Tours and in numerous regional
     Westfield and At Liberty Hall at     theatres across the country. Her
     Premiere Stages. Amy is a proud      passion is developing new works with
     member of Actors' Equity Association.   kids of all ages and sharing the joy of
     Aidan OConnor (Sound Editing) is a   creating with those who feel they don’t
     young filmmaker finishing up studies at   have a voice in the world.
     Columbia College Chicago’s zoom
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