Page 3 - DRT 2022 November
P. 3

A Note from the Artistic Director

       Thanks for being with us for our Vivid Cabaret: Lovers, Heroes and Villains,
       and for Holidays with The Flip Side! These programs provide us all with
       opportunities to spend time together in a variety of genres in between
       mainstage productions. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy
       creating them for you!
       We welcome John Pivarnik on piano for this cabaret, as well as friends Mariah
       Dalton, Gail Lou and Vanessa Parvin, to help us explore a wide range of
       stories from the Broadway stage. And for improv, we welcome our gang of
       merry mischief-makers to ring in the holiday season for you!
       As the year draws to a close (so fast!), please consider a gift to support Vivid
       Stage. Your generosity is crucial to keep the shows coming, and to make our
       education and outreach programs possible. We appreciate you, now and all
       year long.
       All the best,

                                              Laura Ekstrand
                                              Artistic Director, Vivid Stage

          Vivid Stage             Vivid Stage          Resident Ensemble
       Board of Trustees              Staff              Nicole Callender
      Diane Gallo, President      Laura Ekstrand         Clark Carmichael
       Joyce Hodgson Post,        Artistic Director    Harry Patrick Christian
         Vice-President                                   Laura Ekstrand
                                 Yolanda Fundora
    Frank Hawrusik, Treasurer   Graphics and Web Designer    Noreen Farley

      Paola Acosta, Secretary     Dave Maulbeck           Julian Gordon
           Lisa Brown            Multimedia Manager       Dave Maulbeck

          Terri Tauber           Amy Polan Clarke         Scott McGowan
                                 Business Manager        Daria M. Sullivan

                                 Daria M. Sullivan        Jason Szamreta
                                 Managing Associate
      Founding Members                                   Harriett Trangucci

       Terrence P. Burnett        Emily Williams         Emaline Williams
         Laura Ekstrand          Box Office Manager

       Melissa Jane Martin        Melanie Wilson         Show Program
           Janet Sales          Director of Marketing &   Melanie Wilson
           Jeff Stone           Community Outreach          Advertising
                                                           Terri Tauber
                                                         Design and Layout

                   Special thanks to the Vivid Stage Board of Trustees
                         and The New Jersey Theatre Alliance

     This performance is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts

       Vivid Stage is a not-for-profit 501(C)3 corporation, incorporated under the laws of New Jersey
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