Page 17 - DRT 2023 oct-nov
P. 17

Coming up next!

    Holidays with The Flip Side

    December 2, 2023
    Holidays can be weird, no? Or is it just us?
    Take a break from your holiday preparations or
    procrastinations and enjoy an evening of laughs
    and merriment with The Flip Side! We look for the
    bright side of the last several years and leave you
    feeling cheery and holiday-like, guaranteed.

    Gone Missing

    Book by Steve Cosson
    Music & Lyrics by Michael Friedman
    February 22-March 3, 2024
    A wry and whimsical documentary musical of loss
    devised from interviews with real-life New Yorkers
    by The Civilians, the acclaimed New York-based
    company. Set against eclectic and tuneful songs
    by Michael Friedman, GONE MISSING is about the
    little things in life — seen largely.

        For More Info and Season Passes:

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22