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Chamber network unveils policies to
boost businesses
The Cambridge Chamber’s policy particularly related to competitiveness
resolution, entitled Created Systems to and productivity, is completed.
Provide Adequate Child-care Spaces to A second policy resolution, entitled
Ensure Parents – Particularly Women Closing the National Digital Divide, was
– Have Equal Opportunities to Enter also approved, and called upon the
the Workforce, received overwhelming Government of Canada to:
support and resulted in the approval of
several recommendations calling for the 1. Continue with broadband infrastructure
Government of Canada to undertake the investments across rural/remote areas
folllowing: and First Nations;
1. By working with provincial/territorial 2. To build an inclusive economy for all
governments to explore all prospective Canadians, ensure all financial resources
ways that could increase compensation allocated to increasing broadband
for ECE workers in effort to attract more capacity are urgently distributed for
The collective strength of the addressing the digital divide;
Chamber network was front and workers into the child-care sector with
the goal of reducing waitlists at licensed
centre as Chamber representatives child-care centre, setting the stage for 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of
nationwide gathered in Calgary more parents – particularly women - to delivering connectivity, particularly
recently to debate and approve enter or re-enter the workforce. in rural and indigenous areas, there
policies aimed at boosting 2. By working with provincial/territorial should be an evaluation of connectivity
Canada’s economy. governments to examine all potential coverage, quality, and adoption.
Several hundred delegates were in solutions to ensure there are systems 4. Commit to businesses and citizens in
attendance Oct. 11-14 at the Canadian in place, possibly financial, to ensure rural and remote areas that necessary
Chamber of Commerce’s CCEC Conference adequate child-care spaces are available infrastructure to allow them access to
and AGM to not only discuss policies but to provide parents – particularly women competitive broadband speeds will be
hear from several high profile political – the opportunity to enter or re-enter constructed.
and industry leaders. the workforce.
Chamber of Commerce President & 3. Recognize the critical role of private
CEO Greg Durocher says the AGM and sector in delivering childcare services
conference play an important role in and advocate for a continued role
developing policies that will benefit for entrepreneurs and businesses to
businesses, and in turn, create an provide childcare through public debate
environment for communities to prosper. on the subject, and through the CCC’s
advocacy with federal policymakers.
“These policies are valuable advocacy
tools when it comes to urging both Cambridge Chamber co-sponsored
the provincial and federal levels of policies approved
government to make decisions that will Collaboration among Chambers when
benefit the economy, and in turn, the crafting policies that can benefit the
places we live and work,” he says. “Having network is key. This year, the Cambridge
the Chamber network work as a collective Chamber co-sponsored two policies
group to inspire change is a very valuable submitted by the Greater Kitchener-
asset.” Waterloo Chamber of Commerce which
Cambridge Chamber policy also received support from delegates.
approved The first resolution, entitled Review of
This year, of the 66 policy resolutions the Canadian Tax System and Business
presented by Chambers and Boards of Taxes, was approved, and called for the
Trade nationwide, 62 were approved by Government of Canada to:
293 voting delegates on hand. The policies Not implement any new business taxes or
now become part of the Canadian Chamber increases on existing business taxation
of Commerce’s ‘official playbook’. levels until a review of the current system,
34 Winter 2024