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      Empowering Progress: The

      Rise of Women in Leadership

      Women are increasingly breaking        Politicians like MPPs Jess Dixon, Catherine
      through the glass ceiling and          Fife,  and  Aislinn  Clancy,  who,  despite

                                             different political affiliations, are out there
      reshaping leadership dynamics          every day trying to make their communities
      across the board in all sectors.       a better place.
      The traditional image of boardrooms    That same commitment is being shown by   "The Chamber will create
      dominated by men is evolving, giving way   their female counterparts at the municipal
      to a more inclusive and diverse leadership   level thanks to the likes of mayors Jan   the necessary momentum
      landscape.                             Liggett, Sue Foxton, Sandy Shantz, Natasha   to nurture and champion
      One driving force behind this change is   Salonen, Dorothy McCabe, and Regional
                                             Chair Karen Redman – not to mention  success by bringing together
      the recognition of the unique qualities
      women bring to leadership. Studies     the many women who serve on our local   the elements – on all sides
      clearly demonstrate the positive impact   councils alongside them.           of an issue – to successfully
      of diverse leadership, with women often   However,  despite  progress,  challenges
      excelling in collaboration, empathy, and   persist.  Gender bias,  both  implicit  and   cultivate all that is good,
      communication. This diversity, in many   explicit, remains a barrier. Stereotypical   and can be good, in our
      circumstances, fosters innovation and   rhetoric about women's leadership abilities,
      adaptability, elements essential in today's   work-life balance concerns, and the notion   community."
      fast-evolving business environment.    that leadership is inherently masculine
      Women in leadership roles frequently   needs to be dismantled, sooner rather  We are seeing this on a local level, both in
      exhibit a collaborative style, prioritizing   than later. Companies and societies must  business and politics, and must do all we
      teamwork, and consensus-building. This   actively work towards equal opportunities  can as a business community to support
      departure from, essentially what was   through policies, mentorship programs,  and nurture that shift.
      tradition, creates a more inclusive work   and fostering a culture of valuing merit   At the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce,
      culture.  Women-led  companies   and   over gender.                          we’re proud of the many programs and
      businesses tend to emphasize diversity   The responsibility for change doesn't  events we provide to assist women
      and inclusivity, recognizing the strategic   rest solely on men or women. We must  business leaders, such as our Salute to
      advantage of a varied workforce, and the   all actively support breaking gender  Women in Business Luncheon which also

      benefits of differing views and ideas.  norms and fostering an environment  raises money for the breast reconstruction
                                             that champions diversity and equity, for  unit at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, our
        In this edition of Insight, we profile   sustained growth and progress of our  Women Leadership Collective, and our

        six incredible women who are doing   economy.                              Women  Take  Charge  breakfasts.  As  well,
        all of this in their businesses and   The leadership landscape is undergoing   our Chamber Circles for Women program
        companies representing a variety of   a profound transformation with women   is in place to encourage women business
        industries including steel, finance,   assuming  infl uential  roles.  Beyond  leaders to grow not only professionally,

        hospitality, manufacturing, energy,   breaking gender barriers, women redefine   but personally by creating an environment

        and real estate.                     leadership, foster inclusivity, and drive   of  learning  and  networking  with  other
                                             innovation. While we should be celebrating   leaders.

      Despite the fact they operate in different   our achievements in this area so far, it is  However, we realize more needs to be
      sectors, they share many similar views   crucial to acknowledge that true progress  done to create as many opportunities as
      and principles when it comes leadership,   requires ongoing efforts to eliminate  possible to ensure women leaders can

      including a commitment to creating a   gender and in fact, all biases.       flourish and prosper and are here to help
      better landscape in the workplace for all                                    our  business  community in any way we
      employees. They are a true inspiration to                                    can.
      all.                                     The rise of women in leadership     To find out more about what the Chamber

                                               signifies a milestone and a guide to
      We can also draw even more inspiration   eliminate all biases and embrace a   can offer, please visit our website –

      from the women who lead in the political   culture of inclusivity, diversity, and – or call us
      arena, not only on a national and global   equity as we drive toward a more   at 519.622.2221.
      scale, but right here closer to home at the   equitable and prosperous future.                    Greg Durocher
      provincial and municipal levels.                                                                 President & CEO
                                                                                        Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

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