Page 10 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_October 2024
P. 10


      GrandBridge launches new                                  GrandBridge Energy would like to thank all the customers and
      website                                                   stakeholders who provided us with ongoing feedback and
                                                                insights to improve the online customer experience. Our new
                                                                website supports GrandBridge Energy’s commitment to provide
      GrandBridge Energy launched its new corporate website,    consistent service to all customers, regardless of where they late this summer.                   are located in Brantford, Cambridge, the County of Brant, and
      The new website boasts a fresh, contemporary look and user-  the Township of North Dumfries.
      friendly navigation for all visitors - from homeowners and   GrandBridge Energy invites people to explore the new website
      businesses to contractors and developers - enabling our users   at and bookmark the site to return to
      to find the information they want in two clicks or less.  as they move through their energy journey.
       Customer feedback was gathered throughout the development
      process via user surveys, focus groups and prototype beta   Officials visit Conestoga to unveil
      testing. The website contains several new interactive and
      engaging features, including:                             funding for agri-food businesses
      • A Live Chat on the Outage Centre section of the site provides   Government officials visited the Conestoga Food Research
      24/7 access to an agent who will answer questions during   & Innovation Lab at the Craig Richardson Institute for Food
      outages.                                                  Processing Technology in August to announce funding for
      • A list of Upcoming Planned Outages, including dates, times,   agri-food businesses.
      and locations.                                            Through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership,
      • An interactive Understand My Bill tool helps customers   up to $5 million will be available to help small businesses in
      learn more about each section of their bill, how charges are   the agriculture and food industry enhance their food safety
      determined and what payments are owed.                    systems. “It is vitally important that our farmers and food
      • A new Contractor & Developer Hub provides a highly visible,   processors have access to the latest tools and resources they
      central area for these critical stakeholders to access our   need  to  continue  to  produce  their  top-quality  goods,”  said
      services.                                                 Lawrence MacAulay, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-
      • An enhanced Careers section includes a testimonial video   Food.
      about why GrandBridge Energy is a great workplace.

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