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                          Antibiotic Therapy for Rheumatic Disease

                                   You know where we have been; so where are we now?

                                                       David E. Trentham, M.D.
                                      Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School

               MYCOPLASMA THEORY                                   The failure of the FDA to act reflects the fact that no
                                                                   drug manufacturer has submitted an application for
               From its emergence in the 1960s, the rationale for  its approval for its use in RA. The reason? : There is
               antibiotic therapy was predicated on the notion that  an insufficient profit margin for an old generically
               RA was a chronic inflammatory disease caused by  available agent  that  has  been  supplanted  by more
               an  infectious agent. The most plausible candidate  effective antibiotic therapies.
               at that time was a mycoplasma organism based on
               early animal studies. Limited successful  clinical  This  time  lag and  the  widespread  availability  of
               outcomes fostered its continued use and culminated  newer FDA-approved  drugs dampen physicians’
               in two large scale placebo-controlled trials (the NIH  use of  minocycline. Prescribing  minocycline for
               sponsored MIRA and                                  RA  is still on  a  “compassionate  use  basis”. This
               that  of the  RA Investigative Network, i.e.,  RAIN)  tenet signifies that  the  prescription represents  the
               in the 1990s. The positive  clinical results  in both  prescriber’s conclusion that it is the best approach
               studies provide the scientific foundation for use of  for that  individual patient.  Although a cardinal
               minocycline today.  Unfortunately, the  continued  rule throughout medicine,  using this  justification
               espousal  of  the mycoplasma etiology, despite  to prescribe inflicts a degree additional medicolegal
               numerous negative searches  for the  organism, has  risk for the prescriber if things go awry.
               enshrouded  the  approach  in  controversy.  Under-
               appreciated  is  the frequency  with  which  anti-  Infrequent use also reflects practicing rheumatologists
               rheumatic agents are used in the complete absence  being bombarded by a plethora of new FDA-approved
               of knowledge of how they work. And that situation  RA drugs by the  pharmaceutical  industry.  These
               is pervasive  in medicine.  How ether puts one  to  new drugs being quite expensive are money-makers
               sleep is unknown. In rheumatology, the case applies  for their corporate sponsors. It’s not surprising that
               to hydroxychloroquine(Plaquenil),  methotrexate,  specialists  attend  glamorous so-called  continuing
               leuflunomide(Arava), as well as minocycline. The  education  sessions featuring their  products at
               mechanism  by which  minocycline improves acne  sessions at major meetings. At home physicians are
               also remains elusive.                               frequented at their
                                                                   doorsteps by drug representatives bearing information
               LACK OF PHYSICIAN AWARENESS                         and  even incentives or reminders.  Thus,  they are
                                                                   overwhelmed by such a barrage of information and
               Considerable  time has now elapsed  between  the  propaganda.
               completion of  those pivotal studies,  now almost
               two decades, and the present. A rule-of-thumb for  Both  printed  and  visual media  advertisements
               the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval  extend  the pharmaceutical companies  opportunity
               for a medication in the treatment of a disease is at  to ‘educate’ the lay public about new drugs in the
               least two positive placebo-controlled  trials  coupled  hope that  they in turn can request using them
               with an adequate safety profile. By these traditional  from their rheumatologist. Have you  ever seen  an
               criteria, minocycline should be approved  for RA.  advertisement for minocycline?
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