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understand your pace, she added. “Find a group of people
pete against myself. At a race, if I see someone to catch up who are encouraging,” she said. “Don’t think of your
with and I do that, this is what mo/vates me.” goal all at once; approach it li0le by li0le. If you’re a couch
potato and want to do a race, maybe just start with
A good way to get that mo/va/on is by surrounding your- a half mile. It’s all mental, and soon you’ll get over the
self with people at the same pace you are at or who feeling that the distance you want to run is ‘too far.’”
Upcoming Running Clinic
An upcoming Running Clinic will be taught by Richard Peng, our clinical exercise physiologist in the Cardiopulmonary Department.
This inaugural series will be offered only in the Los Angeles site. In addi/on to promo/ng running as a cardiovascular exercise, the
purpose of this program is to help HCP employees who want to learn how to run safely and to minimize injury. Even though this is
offered to beginning runners, whether you have some running under your belt, want to con/nue running, or just want another av-
enue to get fit and earn Vitality points, everyone is welcome. Contact Richard Peng for more informa/on at RPeng@healthcarepart-
All informa/on in the Vitality program is HIPAA protected. Members have chosen to share their personal health accomplishments.
For more informa/on about the Vitality program, visit or contact Janet Galli.