Page 19 - Revista productos biolcom
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Dried, Extract & Powder

        We can produce extracts, tinctures, powders, and dried herbs such as Ishpingo,

             Guayusa, and Artemisia Annua.

            Artemisia Annua                                   Guayusa                                      Ishpingo

    •This plant won the ¨Nobel                  •Energizing                                   •Antidepressant
     Prize in Physiology -                      •Anti-oxidants                                •It smells like cinnamon and
     Medicine¨ in 2015. It is the               •It is good for your                           tastes like sweet pepper.
     cure for malaria! It                         digestion, immune system,
     also helps the immune                        and vascular system. It also
     system and acts like an                      cleans the teeth, improves
     anti-viral.                                  your energy levels, and is
    •Reduce carcinogenic cells.                   useful for the weight loss.
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