Page 2 - Rio_englishbook
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The rapid development of information and communication technology
in the 21st Century has positioned English as one of the main languages
in the communication between nations and the association of the world.
The 2013 curriculum designed to meet the 21st century learning model
recognizes the importance of high school graduates mastering English
to convey ideas beyond the borders of the Indonesian state and to
absorb ideas from outside that can be exploited for the benefit of the
nation and state.
In line with this role, the book of English for SMA / MA / SMK / MAK
Class X aims to build students' attitude, knowledge, and
communication skill through learning experiences in the form of
various active communication activities both through receptive and
productive English activities . Only by actively engaging in
communication activities, students can build attitudes, knowledge, and
communication skills. This book is expected to realize the
implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the English class because the
content and learning experience developed in this book has been
attempted to help students achieve four core competencies (KI) in the
Curriculum 2013.