Page 18 - Voter Focus How to File Financial Reports Online
P. 18
should be one of these:
Disposition of Pro-rata refunds to contributors,
Funds donations to charitable organizations,
donations to the State general revenue
fund, or the return of matching funds to
the State.
Disposition of Funds expenditures are
for use by candidates only and are only
used on Termination Reports. They are
not part of the Monthly Total Monetary
Disposition of Funds transferred to an account for a
Funds to Future future campaign.
Disposition of Funds expenditures are
for use by candidates only and are only
used on Termination Reports. They are
not part of the Monthly Total Monetary
Disposition of Funds transferred to pay for previously
Funds to Petition unpaid petition verification fees.
Disposition of Funds expenditures are
for use by candidates only and are only
used on Termination Reports. They are
not part of the Monthly Total Monetary
Disposition of Funds given to the political party that
Funds to Political the candidate is a member of.
Disposition of Funds expenditures are
for use by candidates only and are only
used on Termination Reports. They are
not part of the Monthly Total Monetary
Monetary General expenditure type used when a
specific type does not apply.
VR Systems Confidential/Proprietary Trade Secret 15