Page 50 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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04.09.2024, 21:55                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                   AHEAD OF THE CURVE

               Language focus        will  shall and would
               1   S P E A K  Read each pair of sentences and discuss the question in  italics.
                     Once I’m back at work, I will get to the bottom of this matter.
                 1   A
                   B   Once I’m back at work, I shall get to the bottom of this matter.
                   Which one expresses more determination?
                 2   A   Would you believe the website is down again?
                   B   Do you believe the website is down again?
                   Which one conveys more surprise and annoyance?
                 3   A   That’ll be five pounds fifty.
                   B   That’s five pounds fifty.
                   Which one sounds more direct and less polite?
                 4   A   Sit down and I will tell you the tale of a bunch of bold, seafaring ruffians.
                     Will they make it through unscathed by this strange adventure?
                   In which one could ‘will’ be replaced by ‘shall’ with no change in meaning?
                 5   A   That’s the kids coming home from school.
                   B   That will be the kids coming home from school.
                   Which one merely states a fact about a present situation?
                 6   A   He is recording his first-ever podcast.
                   B   He will be recording his first-ever podcast.
                   Which one expresses more certainty about an ongoing event in the present?
                 7   A   Employees shall not take home any company property without permission.
                   B   Employees must not take home any company property without permission.
                   Which one would only be found in a legal document?
               2   Go to Ready for Grammar on page 213 for further rules, explanations and
                 further practice.                                                                   

               3   S P E A K  Work in pairs. Imagine possible situations where people would say the
                 following sentences. Who do you think they are talking to?
                And, would you believe,   But it says right here, “The employee shall be   The project manager would reschedule
                he didn’t even apologise!   reimbursed for all work-related expenses.”   the meeting at the last minute.

                                                                               Well, you know what they say,
                     Will you pass me the catalogue?   Shall I start or would you like to?
                                                                               “seek and you shall find”.

               Speaking      Part 3 Discussion

                W h a t   t o   e x p e c t   i n   t h e   e x a m
                •   At the end of Part 3, the examiner will ask you questions that further explore the topics
                 of the long turns. This discussion lasts around four minutes.

               Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
                 Some people say creativity can be taught. How 
                 much truth is there in this?
               2   In what ways are you creative in your daily life?
               3   What makes some people seek creative professions?
               4   Do you think creativity will be more important or
                 less important in the jobs of tomorrow? Why or why not?
                 Is it better to be creative or practical?
                 Why do you think that?
               6   It has been said that creativity is the most valuable
                 human resource. What’s your opinion?
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