Page 4 - Momentum by Dr. Cassandra Shaw
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Clarify Your Focus
It is vitally important to have a clear lens when you think about what you want to achieve
and where you want to go. When it’s unclear, you can head down the wrong road and you might
miss an opportunistic turn. For example, when you’re driving in fog, heavy rain, or heavy snow,
it can be difficult to see the road – you really must concentrate so you don’t wreck or miss your
turn. The same principle holds true for keeping a clear focus on your dreams. Gain clarity for
your focus and you’ll then be able to create your goals and put them into action to gain
momentum. After all, we have this one life so let’s make the best of it.
Create Goals
You may have heard of the 1979 Harvard MBA Study on goal setting in which they studied
the graduating class to determine how many had set goals and had a plan to achieve those goals,
once they graduated. This is what was found.
What happened 10 years later? The 13% of the class who had written goals but hadn’t
created plans, were making twice as much money as the 84% of the class who had set no goals at
1 Wanderlust Worker, “The Harvard MBA Business School Study on Goal Setting,” Wanderlust Worker,