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By 2020, India's popula on is expected to become the world's youngest; more than 500 million
Indian ci zens will be under 25 years of age and more than two thirds of the popula on will be eligible
to work. This means that a growing number of India's youth need the right educa onal infrastructure to
develop skills and adequate opportuni es to get employed or become entrepreneurs (Times of India,
Jul 21, 2014).
However, the wide gap between those who have access to educa on and skill development
opportuni es and those who do not, is a challenge that has to be overcome. Unemployed youth,
marginalized women and rural communi es have also been impacted by the company's input -
impar ng IT skills training and in s lling basic computer literacy. These skills enable the marginalized
demographic to explore employment opportuni es and sustainable livelihood op ons.
With the above facts, a need for youth empowerment rises up. To empower something means
to delegate the power or authority for a specific purpose and here in regard of youth empowerment we
are basically talking about giving a power to the Indian youth to bring a change at large. The Indian
youth of today deliberately needs to be empowered, their own power and poten al needed to be
u lized in an accurate way. Youth needs to be given authority, a pla orm, a structure where they can
possibly input their caliber. Their contribu on towards the infrastructure of the country, poli cs,
educa on, employment, sports; technology, globaliza on and industrializa on need to be
Technology has a poten al to change the world and improve people's lives. Quality technical
educa on has the power to transform society in a single genera on; provide children with the
protec on they need from poverty, exploita on and disease; and give them the knowledge, skills, and
confidence to reach their full poten al. Real quality in technical educa on is fundamental to the quality
of the human resource of the na on which is responsible for delivering products and services to the
community. All across the world, technical educa on has grown in stature as well as in its mass appeal.
The scope of educa on is extremely wide and therefore students are constantly looking for trustworthy
educa onal avenues. Their parents too are constantly in search of be ering the lives of their children
through frui ul educa on.
Direct par cipa on of youth is must condi on in the major projects of the welfare of the
country. There should be forming a commi ee or a group that comprised of young minds (people)
selected from all the states of India and who might belong to different fields and areas of specializa on.
Indian Ministry of Youth Affairs should choose the respec ve members of this commi ee without any
biases. These members would represent their respec ve states but would be working for a common
cause. Each of the members would work as a representa ve of Indian youth and would create a
harmonious atmosphere where other members can share their thoughts. This commi ee would be
formed with a purpose to give a voice to the Indian youth. The commi ee would be sharing thoughts
over how to empower the youth in a be er way, rec fy the loopholes in the infrastructure and to make
a be er u liza on of resources and opportuni es.
.. Dr. Govardhan, NIT Raipur
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