Page 70 - my movies guide
P. 70
12/12/2016 Directories > Names
To change one, in the Names directory go View>Template and select the template you like.
In the Names directory you can sort names by: name, age, rating, actor popularity, director popularity and scenario popularity.
To sort names in a way, in the Names directory go Sort by > and choose one of the criteria.
To edit the information, enter the Name card:
In the Names Directory go Names>Edit or press Ctrl+E or double click on the name in the Person list.
There appears the card:
It contains three tabs: General, Biography and Filmography.
1. General tab
The General tab of the Name card includes the following information: name, alternative name, birth date, birth place, comments, rating
and link to a web page.
To change the language of the information presented or just find another photo, change the online database the search is conducted
in.There are several online databases available for searching the info needed.
To select one, click on the button near the Name line and choose an online database out of the popup menu. Again the
information can be obtained from databases in various languages. Having selected the database, press the search button and in several
seconds all the data, including photos, biography and filmography, will be filled in automatically no manual input at all.
If you like, you can change the person's photo by right clicking on the photo there appears the popup menu which offers:
1. To set a photo from file.
2. To paste image.
3. To delete image.
2. Biography tab 3/5