Page 77 - Movie Collerctor
P. 77 Movie Collector for Windows - Version 15
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fields you don’t want).
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The [None] Folder
When selecting certain Folder Sets, you may notice the [None] folder at the top of the list.
The [None] folder contains movies in your collection that have not been assigned a value for the folder set
you’ve selected. For example, if you have selected Genre folders, the [None] Folder will contain movies in
your collection that do not have a Genre assigned. If the Subject folders are selected, then the [None] folder
contains movies that do not have a subject, etc.
To remove items from the [None] Folder, you will need to specify a value for the movie that appears in the
[None] Folder. Open the Edit Movie screen and enter something for that field, the movie will then be moved
out of the [None] Folder.
Important to know:
Q: How do I create a new folder?
A: You don’t actually “create” folders in your main screen. Folder grouping happens automatically based on
what information you have for your movies.
Example: If you are using “Genre” folders right now, and you set “Comedy” as a Genre for a movie, that
movie will appear in the “Comedy” folder.
Q: How do I move movies to another folder?
A: Example: Wish to move the movie from the “Comedy” genre folder to the “Horror” genre folder?
To do this, Edit the movie and uncheck “Comedy” as a genre, and then check “Horror” as genre. Hit OK and
it will now be in the “Horror” folder in your main screen.
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