Page 4 - PemaWellness
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             “Adopt the pace of nature:

             her secret is patience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

                     mbracing  a  naturopathic  vision, Pema         guided meditation, yoga and healing practices come
                     Wellness at BayPark is driven by the rhythm     together to create a holistic experience of wellbeing
                     and  flow  of  nature  to  revive  the  synergy   with naturopathy at  the  core.  Fostering an
             E between  the  Physical,  Mental,  Emotional,          environment  promoting a  healthy lifestyle  with
             Spiritual and Environmental  expressions  within.   A   sustainability thereafter, every aspect translates into
             bespoke program customised to suit the respective       an exquisite experience.
             goals of each guest, our therapeutic nutrition, daily
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