Page 3 - 賽校際4-22
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                       兒童青少年:    雙人:  每組HK$150(RMBY120),  每加一組HK$150(RMBY120),
                             單人:  每組HK$120(RMBY130),  每多報一組加報名費$120(RMBY100)
                                       雙人,  單人兒童青少年每位參賽者均發奬牌.

       參加辦法:    1.  填妥報名表  參加表格可於  (  下載
                        2.  截止日期: 2018年9月15日(以滙款單日算)
                   3.  一併繳交報名表及支票或匯款收據副本至本會(地址:  荃灣青山公路 398 號第五座 45 樓 F 室)
                   (支票抬頭及戶口名稱國際(香港)舞蹈學會或轉帳:(香港)  匯豐銀行戶口:國際(香港)舞蹈學會  A/C: 015-
                   316748-001(中國大陸)  中國工商銀行:  李玲  A/C: 621226 4000004131625

       註:  1.  門票HK$30/張            2.  參賽選手不足六對,大會有權取消該項事或並組而不作另行通知
                  3.  所有賽項不限舞步及衣飾,

     Participation fees:
                    1). Per youth couple:  every event    HK$150.    Every additional event: HK $150.
                    2). Per youth solo: each events: HK$120.  Every additional event: HK$120.
                    3). Spectators: Tickets at HK$30 each.
            1).Entry forms are available at: (
            2). Deadline for submission of forms: 15th Sep 2018 (based on date on money orders).
            3). Application forms together with payment by cheques or money transfer receipts (copies), are to
            be sent to the organizers at:
                 45/F, Flat F, Block 5, 398 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan. N.T. Hong Kong.
            4). Cheques made payable to: <International (Hong Kong) Dance Association> or fees transferred to:
                   HSBC Bank account <International (H K) Dance Association> A/C: 015-316748-001.
                    Mainland China: Lee Ling A/c: 621226 4000004131625.
            5). For event which has less than 6 pairs of participants, the Organizers have the right to cancel the
            event without prior notice.
            6). There is no restriction on the dance syllabus and dressing for the events.


                    序號  賽手姓名  (男/女)                                                   報名費
                    1      張冠軍/王小美                         喳喳(18)                     HK$250(RMB$210)

          老師/團隊名稱: ________________________  聯系電話:_________________________ QQ 號___________________

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